Our Professional Accreditations

College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants

College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC), formerly Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC)

We are Licensed Canada Immigration Consultants, Members of the CICC, (formerly ICCRC), the National Regulator of Immigration Consultants in Canada. The Canadian Government authorizes only those immigration consultants who are Members in good standing of the CICC. With the coming into force of Bill C-35, on June 30, 2011 anyone who provides paid advice prior to the filing of an application or the commencement of a proceeding must be an authorized representative. This means that some third parties who were not formerly required to be recognized to provide paid advice will now have to refer people to an authorized representative or become authorized themselves.

Read more about Government of Canada’s announcement on paid Immigration Representatives.

Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC)

We are Members of the CAPIC, the professional Organization founded on the four pillars of Education, Information, Lobbying and Recognition, created by the amalgamation of AICC and OPIC. With an immigration industry history going back to 1986 many important milestones have been achieved, which are worthwhile to recall as they changed the immigration industry greatly, and helped to gain acceptance for an occupation profile ‘Immigration Consultant’!

High Honours Graduate Immigration Practitioner Program

Amir Ismail is a High Honours Graduate of the Seneca’s Immigration Practitioner Program, a program upon which the former regulator Canadian Society of Immigration Consultant’s (CSIC) educational standards were based. The program was accredited by the CSIC, the former regulatory body for immigration consultants and Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC). In addition, the program has been developed and endorsed by William H.Angus, Professor Emeritus, Osgoode Hall Law School, the Organization of Professional Immigration Consultants, the Association of Immigration Counsel of Canada, and in consultation with the Citizenship and Immigration Executive Section of the Canadian Bar Association of Ontario. Leading immigration lawyers assists in coordinating the program. The program efficiently trains students in Canadian immigration requirements and Canadian immigration laws.

World Citizenship Council

Mr. Ismail is a member of the World Citizenship Council, a non-profit organization for research, promotion and development of citizenship and residency schemes throughout the world. The Council focuses on key areas, such as, due diligence and new technologies such as block-chain and helps countries with these issues. Other issues such as migration, refugees, taxation and dual citizenship are also on the forefront.

Rotary International

Mr. Ismail is a member of the Rotary, a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.